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Photo of Maribeth Swan

Maribeth Swan 

Maribeth has been working in holistic wellness as a Flower Essence Guide and Intuitive Counselor for four years. She is adept at holding sacred space, connecting with which flowers will best serve you, introducing ritual self-care, and is trauma-informed.


The gentle yet powerful vibrational medicine of Flower Essences has no contraindications and addresses the energetics of both our psychological and emotional bodies. Maribeth creates her own Mother essences or sources them from organic farms. She is honored to assist her clients’ healing journeys with life’s challenges, including anxiety, depression, chronic illness, sleep, caregiver burnout, nurturing the heart, and death, as well as traumatic loss.


Appointments with Maribeth are conducted on the phone. Clients come away from sessions feeling nurtured, having a shift in perspective, and will receive a flower essence via the USPS postal service. 

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